Monday, September 26, 2011

Brain things going on inside my head

What if you could record your thoughts and dreams as movies?  Scientists from UC Berkeley have created new technology that may open up such possibilities.  Even though the technology is in its early stages, the demo is pretty impressive.  We’ve been seeing this sort of thing for quite some time in Sci-Fi movies and books, and it just amazes me to see it taking shape for real.  Check it out:


  1. Way cool. Maybe in a few decades pirating a movie will be as simple as plugging yourself to the computer and uploading your memory.

  2. I've always thought some of my dreams would be amazing hits in the box office. Time to test that theory?

  3. I think many have experienced waking up from a dream, knowing it was an awesome dream, and not remembering any of the details. This technology sounds awesome.

  4. What's really fascinating about this is that it means we're coming to better understand how our brains interpret images. That has implications far beyond just entertainment.
