Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Enter to learn; go forth to serve."

One of the things that I love most about attending BYU is the way religion is incorporated into my studies.  Not only do I take a core of religion classes, but religious topics often come up in my other subjects—even my science classes.  And these insights, how religion and faith are applied to real life situations, have been very beneficial to me.  In an introductory information technology class my freshman year, my professor gave this advice: “When looking for a job, don’t get too caught up in matters of pay and prestige, but pray to get the Lord’s direction in finding a job where you can serve in some way.  And there are great opportunities to serve in many companies.”  That has stuck with me, and now that I’m looking for an internship next summer, I’m applying that advice.  My studies at BYU have given me more than just knowledge, they have given me direction.


  1. Nice point. I really like that quote by your professor. It's especially important for us to keep in mind as we get closer to graduation because it's easy to get caught up in talks of high salaries and awesome future jobs. But we also need to remember that the Lord may provide us with such amazing opportunities precisely because it will place us in a position to serve. As I'm sure you know, there's no universal right answer to the choice of our future careers except that we must trust the Lord to guide us to the best choice for us and our families.

  2. It really is amazing how spiritually inspiring some of our classes, even GEs, can be when the effort is made to make them so.

  3. I like the suggestion about not paying attention to pay and prestige. You can make tons of many at a company where you dread going to work every day, or you can be happy somewhere that you will be happy.
