Monday, November 28, 2011

Does Video Game Addiction Really Exist?

I've been working on a research project with some other students about video game addiction. While video game addiction is a popular topic, many papers and articles recognize that a standardized definition for it does not exist. This is a problem because it becomes difficult to give suggestions and come to conclusions without a consensus of what we are talking about. My collaborators and I all recognize that excessive video game playing can be very problematic, but we are divided on the issue of addiction. Some of them think that video game addiction does not exist because they feel video games don’t cause a physical dependency—a necessary element to fit the general definition of addiction. I disagree. I think that video games do affect us physically. Certain games can engross us so much that we feel detached from our bodies and we feel a temporary break from our physical needs (Things as TheyReally Are). The body can become so used to this physical detachment that it can come to rely on it and become addicted. 

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, the project will yield good results. I believe it creates an addiction. That is why I tend to leave my laptop close and off to avoid playing too much video games.
